Exercise No. 3

All right, now that you've chosen something, we're going to start playing!

Settle into your body in whatever way you know how - we all have different ways.

We're going to start a brand new list. It's basically a big brainstorm. And this brainstorm is called Everything I know to do to make this happen.

So this is all of the ways that you can make this happen, what you could do to make this happen, right? Because essentially, we don't have desires just to have longing and yearning. We want things because we feel a pull. And at some point, we want that pull satisfied by getting the thing. So how do you get the thing? How do you get the thing?

In this part of the exercise, you're going to write down everything you know how to do - I know how to do this, this, this, this, this. This is how you get it done. This is how you get it done.

You might have one thing you might have five things, but get them all on paper. Get them down! We're gonna take a sizeable chunk of moments to put it all down there.