Exercise No. 2

Welcome back. I bet you have some incredible goodies there.

Now here’s kind of an interesting part because we want to focus on one part of it. We want to pick something. And this might cause a little bit of nervousness, you might be thinking, “What do I pick? I'm going to do this mini course, what am I going to choose? I have to choose the right thing.”

Don't worry. You own this course. You can do this again, you can pick the wrong thing.

You don't know the exercises fully that are coming ahead because you haven't taken this course before. And if you're taking this course for a second time, using a different desire, welcome back!

So, it doesn't matter what you pick, but pick something that you could dream about how to make happen, right? It doesn't have to be realistic. It doesn't have to be a to-do but we're gonna pick something sizeable. Let's say you had all the resources that you needed and you can make this happen within a year's time, something like that.

It has to be something concrete. Because on your desire list, you might have “to live as a liberated woman” but you won’t know that’s happened without actual physical results.

So it should contain some kind of physical result so that you and others know what's happened, for example, “I have a baby”, “I have a house”, “I have a new job”, or “I run the Government”.

It can be small, it can be big.

I recommend something that's not small because we are not small, we are legends. Stretch a little but choose something that if you got it, it would be something you could see, something you could point to, something you can evidence, describe, and witness. Not something ephemeral, like I love myself more.

Okay. So let's go through a selection process. I'm gonna give you a couple minutes with a couple guidelines. And we'll be back in a moment!