Body Check
Welcome back!
It's time to do a little body check because after that, how to get it all done, chances are you felt a lot of energy up here.
Most of you right now are going to feel a lot more embodied, a lot more grounded, a lot more rooted. Some of you will have laughed or chuckled. Some of you will have had some feelings or energy. This is part of the process of integration and feeling all of our power. Some of you may feel a little bit jammed up like, “I couldn't think of anything bad. Am I that good of a Good Girl?” Don't worry, don't worry. I guarantee you that unless examples of other students don't help, then you will definitely come up with something in the next 24 hours.
So what typically happens when we do this little exercise in a classroom is light in the eyes, laughter, and the best part, imagination, imagination, imagination.
Because one of the first times I did this exercise, and every single time we do this exercise in community, in a group, in a class, there's a student that says something, “If I were a bad girl, if I were a villain, I would make sure to get eight hours of sleep. And I wouldn't let anybody interfere with that.” And you're like, wait, what? That's bad?
Another one would be like, “I would commandeer an entire office to myself, and start the little business that I've always wanted to start.” and you're like, wait, how is that bad? That's just so deeply good.
There's also another category of the crazy, wildly, vicious things that we're not doing, released so much life force within us that all of a sudden, it's not like a middle path, but like a different way gets found.
More than anything though, once the Good Girl Rules are broken, there's a feeling of embodied oxygen, spaciousness, and a nervous system shift. This has nothing to do with immorality, it just has to do with acting against the Good Girl for a moment enough for that conditioning to break free.
For you to be all of yourself, for you to feel all of yourself, and therefore have access to all your inner resources.
This mini course, is just the beginning. But when you get into this kind of trouble, you can always count on your imagination to find you a path. If you ever find yourself with a fork in the road where you're choosing between one terrible thing and a different terrible thing, remember these words:
There's no such thing as a fork in the road. Just a lack of imagination. You always have choice, you always have choice, you always have free will.
And the sneakiest way to take away a woman's free will is to only give her choices on a menu that she doesn't want so she feels like power is choosing something she hates less.
We're here to break free. And imagination is the first step. I welcome your villain. I welcome your Bad Girl. But more than anything else, I welcome your desire, your imagination, and your passion for life.