Common GGC Manifestations
Really, really, really common Good Girl Conditioning manifestations are allllll over the place.
Many, many different habits that you might find familiar, that happen so quickly, they happen quicker than you can think. If you had a moment, just a little sliver of a moment to think, you would make a different choice.
One is when you automatically say yes. When somebody asks you for a favour, you just say, “Sure, yes, I'm there”, and you haven't had a chance to think about it, you haven't had a chance to consider whether you're available, what it'll cost you, whether it's even beneficial to them. You haven't even had a chance to question whether they value it, whether they need it, whether they can find other arrangements.
Yes. An automatic Yes. It happens so fast.
Another one is, when you want to ask someone for something and instead of going ahead and asking them for what you want, you start negotiating.
You start negotiating against yourself. You start imagining what it is that they want - “I want pasta, I think they want Chinese food. I know, I'll say let's go have Japanese because I can have the Udon noodles of Japanese food and they can have Asian cuisine.”
You’re negotiating against yourself. And even if you know what you want, the whole 100% of it doesn't come out.
Another one is perpetual postponement that we call, “I'll be ready when...”
“I'll be ready to start the novel I've been dreaming of writing, when the kids leave home”, “I'll be ready to start dating when I've gotten into the shape I want.”
“I'll be ready when...” can take you to a delay that is days, weeks, months, years, decades, until you're living your real life because we're busy practising until perfect and then we're going to step through a threshold where we start doing it for real
The thought happens very quickly. I'm not doing it now. I'm not acting now. “I'll be ready when...”
Another one is when somebody gives you a compliment or somebody gives you attention - and we all want praise, love, adoration and attention - but we instantaneously deflected it so fast, so fast.
I could keep going down the list of what we call the Good Girl Autoresponders because we have a whole compendium of them that we've tracked scientifically at The Academy and looked at them.
And there's a couple of things they have in common.
One is they all happen in an instant.
And two, they are all energetically similar.
They are not as a result of a lack of self love. They are Good Girl Conditioning.
Now, in the Good Girl Reform School curriculum, we talk about the love portion, the money portion, the power portion. But the thing is all these things that happen in an instant, they may seem miniscule, they may seem unimportant but moments are literally what your life is made of. It's just moment after moment after moment. And if in all of those moments, you have these habits of self betrayal, self abandoning, and not advocating for yourself, not because you lack self love, but because you were conditioned and wired to do so, then all the areas are affected.
So how do we handle the Good Girl Autoresponders?
We break the core of what holds them together.
And that's what this is about. That's why we're here.
If I asked you, I gave you a list of all the good girl auto responders that we tracked and I was said, go ahead, break one habit at a time. Good luck.
It's like break one, break one, break one. How many new year's resolutions do you have? How many years do you have left?
We don't got that kind of time.
So let's get to the heart of what we're talking about here.