This has been coming up in classes recently; frequently and feverishly.
I teach women how to be powerful and playful on an individual level when they are faced with a no.
When they ask for something they deeply desire and get a no.
When they ask for something they truly need and get a no.
When what they ask for is critical to the life of a professional project.
When what they ask for is critical to the life of a love or important intimate relationship.
When they get a no.
When they get a false yes. When they get dismissed altogether.
I teach them to get curious and play in that space, to investigate, transform the resistance of the other person and create something even greater than either could have thought of before. Not compromise. Creation.
To do that requires no flinching in the face of no. No backing down. It also requires zero attacks, crushing, or aggression. We teach these skills in the school so that women are empowered as individuals so ask, command, invite and express freely.
But how does this apply to the daily news of a world that continually says “no,” and jostles the body and mind? In these unique times, how does inoculation to the impact of a “no” from individuals translate to the entire segments of civilization that are resisting the kinds of change that would nourish and empower us all?