How to Run A Mistress Group

Free Training & Handbook


There is nothing more powerful than women getting together to break out of Good Girl Jail.

We don’t learn Good Girl Conditioning by reading a book. We learn it socially.

Which also means that we unlearn it socially.

This kind of social learning is exactly the kind of learning we want to empower women to master.

Mistress Groups are an incredibly effective and complementary way in which students can create a strong network of allies with others by connecting over and experimenting with the concepts and tools taught at The Academy.

But running a group is difficult!

We’ve learned from students that certain practices strengthen groups, while others are common pitfalls worth avoiding.

Free Mistress Group Resources

To support you in running your own Mistress Group, we’ve created a free video training and handbook. Use the form below to receive your copy.

Each member should have read this handbook and/or watched the Mistress Group Training video recording before your first meeting.

You'll learn:

  • What is a Mistress Group

  • Why each group should have a leader and a timekeeper

  • How to create a strong container that protects you from taking on a ton of invisible labor as the leader

  • How many people to have in your Mistress Group

  • Why ‘Thank You, I’m Full’ and ‘Thank You, No Coaching’ are the magic phrases for any Mistress Group.

  • Recommendations for how to open and close a session and exercises

Sign up to receive your free Mistress Group resources below: