Emotions Into Power
Emotions are a source of power and clarity.
All who say otherwise don’t know how to use them.
How many times have you felt that suppressing your emotions meant “having it together?”
Have you ever considered the cost?
Maybe what worked for The Stoics doesn't work for everyone –– The Stoics were all men. There is tremendous power in the wild. There is power in your emotions, but we've never been taught to use them.
Here's the School of forbidden knowledge: how to turn your emotions into power.
This is what Sunday school won't teach you.
This is what your male-dominated negotiation class won't teach you.
This is what the culture of running your body like an efficient corporation or military machine will never give you.
There is more than one way to live, work, and love.
Emotions are with us for a reason, and by harnessing their power, you can go far further and deeper in life than you can by trying to whittle yourself down into the shape of a weapon.
Emotions are a source of power and clarity. All who say otherwise don’t know how to use them.
I hope you join us.
Kasia xo
Emotions into Power Online Course
With over 60 videos and practical assignments, this course is a transformational journey that will teach you the crucial skills of emotional mastery that form the foundation of unshakable influence.
The art and science of transforming an emotion from its unusable form where it threatens to hijack your whole system, to one where you draw untold energy from is called emotional alchemy. This process informs how to use the powerful emotions that arise when preparing to influence, ask, invite, command and change the status quo in line with your desire.
In this 5 part online course you will learn to alchemize your emotions, lead from your most powerful instincts and access the language and imagination necessary to create the change you want to see in your work, home and relationships.
Why do we teach Emotional Alchemy in a School of Power?
Culturally there is a standing belief that emotions fuel non-rational behavior, tax the body and devastate sound decision-making.
The common prescription?
Distancing oneself from one’s feelings or suppressing them altogether so that we can better process information, facts and data and make "clear-headed" decisions. But in divorcing intellect from feeling, we’ve laid the groundwork for an outside-in world that seems to “make sense” yet feels bad.
When a woman goes through life suppressing her emotions, then she’s doing what men have been asked to do for centuries – accepting a divided and dehumanized form of power – and suffering in the very same way.
However, when a woman is able to access the full breadth of her emotional field and reach the true depth of her desires; when she embodies them fully and influences from that place of complete legitimacy, then there’s absolutely nothing that can stop her and nobody who wants to.
Emotions aren’t the obstacle to influence. They are the source of it.

When we can take what’s inside of us and create the world outside of us, THAT is true power.
Watch Kasia introduce the Power with Emotions course
Is this course right for me?
Have you ever been told you're "too emotional" and decided it best to suppress any emotion that arises – for fear that once Pandora’s Box is opened, you’ll never be able to close it again?
Do you struggle to keep yourself grounded and connected to your signal when surrounded by the sirens of everyone else’s fear?
Are you afraid to ask for what you need and desire, for fear of coming across as needy or pushy – or both?
Do you struggle to influence those you care about and find yourself falling into the same standoff every time?
Have you ever walked into a situation fully prepared and confident, only to completely lose your voice, temper or influence at the most critical moment?
If so, this course is for you.
In this course, you'll learn to…
Alchemize the most taboo and pesky emotions of all – anger, envy, fear, doubt, sadness – into positive and generative energy to the benefit of yourself and others.
Powerfully navigate uncomfortable conversations and conflict that often leave women speechless by riding the wave of your emotions in the moment, and knowing how to locate and influence the other person.
Prepare to make difficult or status-quo-shifting asks by grounding your desires in legitimacy, and preparing to meet the emotions of another head-on.
Influence at a whole new level. By understanding how emotions move in others, you can emerge as a leader in your family, business, or community as a role model for embodied and unshakable power.
“Take this course if you want to know how to use your emotions and make them work for you, not the other way around.”
The Curriculum
Module One – The Aliveness of Emotion
Emotional mastery is the key to vitality and health. Emotions, when treated with care, are sources of tremendous power and energy, so the first step to turning emotions into power is approval. When we can celebrate ALL of our emotions, rather than just the ones that feel good, we are saying yes to the whole, rich tapestry of what it means to be alive.
In Module One, we will explore how to notice and ride the natural arc of each emotion to its conclusion.
Module Two – Emotions and Desire
Beyond being a source of vitality, energy and fuel, our emotions are also our compass. Explored deeply enough, emotions – even ones as taboo as envy or anger – can often contain clues to our most hidden desires and callings. Because what good is power if you don’t know what you want it for?
In Module Two, you’ll learn how to uncover desire inside every complaint, and specific tools to alchemize big feelings like Anger and Envy into inspiration and even passionate life-purpose.
Module Three – Emotions as Allies
Desire precedes influence, but before we can fully use our power, we need strong allies. We need the wise counsel of our whole emotional roundtable. An emotion is simply a message from you to you, and when you give each a chance to speak, you can make good, grounded, full-bodied decisions led by your feeling sense and unshakable legitimacy.
In Module Three, you will learn how to alchemize two powerful emotions that we tend to suppress: reclaim the compassion that can be found in the depths of our Sadness, and the power that comes with fully celebrating and sharing our Joy, without pain or justification.
Module Four – Emotions to Legitimacy and Deserving
Fear, Doubt, Shame... these are all emotions that can stop us in our tracks, causing us to experience resistance and even paralysis on the journey to getting our desires. But in this school, we are not stopping here.
In Module Four, you’ll learn powerful tools to build and strengthen your sense of legitimacy and deserving, clear your signal and begin to work with, rather than against, these taboo emotions. By approving and getting curious about your own resistance, you can better prepare to navigate any in the world of another person.
Module Five – Emotions into Power
At The Academy, we don’t teach emotional mastery in order to “feel better”; we teach it because wielding power with emotions is the first step in getting you what you want.
In Module Five, you shall be ready for the most important work of all: harvesting all the desires that have arisen for you along the journey so you can start to take baby steps towards asking for them to be realized.

When we have power with our own emotions, we can locate and approve of the emotional landscape of the world of the other person, and move them towards our desire.
Pay in Full - $394
Student Testimonials
“I chose the course because I was feeling like I had a lack of control over my emotions. Now I have a clearer vision of what I want to do with my life, which is something I have been struggling with for years. I have so much more self-compassion for myself for difficult emotions because I trust that I can ride them through to find out what they are telling me.
I’m feeling more motivated to pursue my chosen desires and more empowered to ask for what I want (even though I’m still working on the asking bit!)
This course helped me open up, it’s been incredibly enriching and I keep coming back to it time and time again to help me work through difficult moments and learn something new every time.”
“I have asked a few therapists what to do with anger and never got a good answer. They basically said: “Do things to distract yourself”. But I’ve always wanted to know what is the point of anger – I didn’t want to ignore it, but figure out what it’s trying to tell me and where do I go from here?
After taking this course, a family member was in the hospital and being treated very badly. We were desperate to get him out of there and I raised hell to get what we needed for him. I don’t know if I would have been able to do that before – being the one who could make things happen. My cousin even said, “Wow! It is great how you are able to command attention like that.” I have never heard that spoken about me in my life!
If you are struggling with asking for what you want you should take this course. Don’t know what you want? You should take it.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to take the class at a specific time?
Nope! This class is delivered asynchronously, which means you can start it whenever you want, at your own pace. The videos and assignments are always available. You have lifetime access and we encourage you to return to the content whenever you are facing a new situation in your life where emotional mastery is called for.
What we’ve found with this material is that it’s best to go through the course once, and then come back to it for ideas and practical steps to take whenever you are encountering a specific emotion within yourself or someone you are working with.
Will there be any in-person class sessions?
No. All class videos are available immediately.
Is Emotions into Power only for women?
Emotional suppression and the resulting loss of vitality, desire and power affects people of all genders. While this course was created specifically to help women turn their emotions into power, the skills covered in this course can be used by people of any gender, of any age, in a multitude of situations.
Should I wait to take an in-person course instead of purchasing this one?
Emotions into Power makes a great companion – is perhaps even an essential primer – to all of Kasia’s in-person classes.
Whether you are using our tools to break the Freeze, make an outrageous ask or navigating conflict, understanding how emotions move in yourself and others is the foundation from which unstoppable influence can blossom.
Who can I practice the assignments with?
We strongly encourage all our students to share these techniques far and wide! We even suggest taking the course with a group, so you can be inspired by each other’s victories and cheer one another on in expanding your abilities to approve of your emotions, alchemize them into power sources and navigate challenging situations that once might have left you numb or feeling powerless.
How long should it take me to complete the course?
The full course lasts about 6 hours. You’ll have lifetime access to Emotions into Power, so you can feel free to break up the modules according to your schedule, and repeat videos until the skills become second nature.
What equipment do I need to access the course?
This course is 100% online and you can access the course materials from a laptop, tablet or mobile device. Because this is a video-based course, you will need an internet speed of at least 1.5 Mbps to stream the videos. Dial-up or satellite internet may slow down access to the materials.
Can I teach these tools to my friends?
Please, please, talk to your friends about these tools. Our deepest desire is to have as many people as possible learn how to access the full breadth of their emotional field and reach the true depth of their desires in order to have unshakable legitimacy and unstoppable influence in the world.
Cool! So can I share my login info with friends?
We’ve put a lot of time, thought and care into the Emotions into Power course, and we’re charging for it because we believe it has value for life. We ask that you respect the effort that went into the course and do not share it without permission.
What if I still have questions?
Send us an email at admissions@kasiaurbaniak.com and someone from our team will be in touch shortly.